

Paluszki drożdzowe z ziołami - Spicy fingers (Breadsticks) - Ditini con le spezie

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Składniki/ Ingredients/ Ingredienti:
3 szklanki mąki/ 3 cups plain all purpose white flour/ 3 tazze farina grano 0
150 g masła/ 150 g butter/ 150 g burro
1-2 jajka/ 1-2 eggs/ 1-2 uova
ok. 1/2 szklanki ciepłego mleka/ about 1/2 cup warm milk/ circa 1/2 tazza di latte
50 g drożdży/ 50 g yeast/ 50 g lievito di birra
sól/ salt*/ sale
zioła do wyboru/ spices according to your preferences/ le spezie da scegliere:
pieprz/ peper/ pepe
kminek/ cumino or caraway seed/ cumino o cumino tedesco
oregano/ oregano/ origano
czosnek/ garlic/ aglio etc...

Wykonanie: Ciepłe drożdże z odrobiną cukru + ciepłe mleko + mąka i sól = wyrobić, na koniec dodać masło i wybrany smak, np. opakowanie kminku, dodać mąki jeśli trzeba. Z ciasta utworzyć paseczki, można je zwinąć albo spleć warkocze, piec w 200° do zarumienienia, chyba, że ktoś woli bardziej wypieczone.

Directions: Warm yeast and a bit of sugar+ warm milk + flour and salt = make slowly a dough, adding the butter and your favourite spices at the end, the dough might need some more flour so you will have to add some flour when your dough is too wet. It needs to be kneaded well for at least 10 minutes until it stops to be sticky. Form stripes and bake them in the oven in about 200° C (375° F).

* I can't give the exact amount of salt for this recipe, though. After adding a small amount of salt, I usually try the dough with a tip of my tongue to see if it's okay. Sometimes the eggs I use are smaller or bigger, sometimes I need to add some more flour.. so the proportions change.

Come si fanno: Lievito tiepido più un pochino di zucchero + latte tiepido + farina e sale = lavorare bene e lungo, aggiungendo il burro e le tue spezie/gusti preferiti alla fine. Formare le strisce e cuocere nel forno caldo a circa 200 gradi.

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