#SmakoykiAngeli #leprelibatezzediangela #angelasdelicacies |
4 drobno starte marchewki/ 4 finely grated carrots/ 4 carote grattugiate finemente
250 g mąki/ 8.8 oz plain white flour/ 250 g di farina
szklanka zmielonych migdałów/ 1 cup ground almonds/ 1 tazza di noci macinate
szklanka oleju/ 1 cup oil/ 1 tazza di olio d'oliva
4 jajka/ 4 eggs/ 4 uova
200 g cukru/ 7 oz sugar/ 200 g di zucchero
cukier waniliowy z prawdziwą wanilią/ 1 ts vanillin extract/ 1 bustina di vaniglia
1 łyżeczka cynamonu/ 1 ts cinnamon/ 1 cucchiaino di cannella
szczypta soli/ a pinch of salt/ un pizzico di sale
1 łyżeczka proszku do pieczenia/ 1 ts baking powder/ 1 cucchiaino di lievito
owoce sezonowe/ seasonal fruit/ frutti di bosco etc
Wykonanie: Ubić do żółtka z cukrem, potem dodać olej, marchew, mąkę, proszek z cynamonem, mączkę orzechową, sól i wymieszać na wolnych obrotach. Ubić białka na sztywną pianę i delikatnie wymieszać z resztą ciasta. Wlać do natłuszczonej formy lub wyłożonej papierem do pieczenia, ułożyć na wierzch owoce, np: maliny, porzeczka, jagody, truskawki. Piec w piekarniku nagrzanym do 200° przed ok. 40 minut. Posypać cukrem pudrem.
Method: Beat the egg yolks with sugar. Add oil, ground nuts, grated carrots, cinnamon, flour and baking powder, salt and mix everything well. Beat the egg whites until soft peaks are formed and mix them delicately with the batter. Pour batter into a form and decorate with the fruit, such as: raspberries, bluberries, currents or strawberries. Bake at 390° F for about 40 minutes. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar over the top.
Method: Beat the egg yolks with sugar. Add oil, ground nuts, grated carrots, cinnamon, flour and baking powder, salt and mix everything well. Beat the egg whites until soft peaks are formed and mix them delicately with the batter. Pour batter into a form and decorate with the fruit, such as: raspberries, bluberries, currents or strawberries. Bake at 390° F for about 40 minutes. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar over the top.
Come si fa: Sbattete i tuorli e lo zucchero. Poi unite l'olio, le noci macinate, la farina mescolata con il lievito, il sale e la cannella. Infine aggiungere le le carote grattugiate e gli albumi montati a neve. Versare l'impasto nello stampo. Infornare in forno preriscaldato a 200° per circa 40 minuti. Prima di servire, spolverate con zucchero a velo.
Come si fa: Sbattete i tuorli e lo zucchero. Poi unite l'olio, le noci macinate, la farina mescolata con il lievito, il sale e la cannella. Infine aggiungere le le carote grattugiate e gli albumi montati a neve. Versare l'impasto nello stampo. Infornare in forno preriscaldato a 200° per circa 40 minuti. Prima di servire, spolverate con zucchero a velo.